Saturday, November 25, 2017

These 7 Apps will upgrade Your Instagram in no time

Instagram is a must-have for trendy people these days, you can look it up on any tech news sites. With Instagram, you can look up new ideas, advertise your products and even build your network. Here are seven photo editing apps that will help you gain more followers in no time.

Best Photo Editing apps as ranked by tech news sites

If you want clean, professional, well-touched photographs, then using Photoshop is the way to go. Photoshop is a premium photo editing service that lets you retouch photos, add images and do advanced editing on any photos.
Photo Editor
From Aviary, Photo Editor is a cheaper, easier-to-use alternative to Photoshop. With it, you can retouch images and throw in some overlays while you’re at it.
VSCO Cam is a smaller version of Instagram. The two apps have a lot of features in common including their limited capability to highlight and add shadows to photographs, as well as use add-ons and filters with them.
Snapseed is the photo editing brainchild of Google. The app comes with 11 categorized filters and 9 editing tools, including a healing feature to erase blemishes, all tailored towards making your photo editing experience painless and fun.
Pixlr collects the strengths of Instagram and VSCO and takes them to the next level. Where the social media-like apps use filters. Pixlr allows you to make your own filters. Where they focus on brightening, darkening and removing blemishes, Pixlr does that and adds specials like pixelating options.
As far as photo editing apps go, Over is a unique one. It doesn’t let you change your image. However, it does let you do cool stuff like layer pre-existing words/ phrases or other images over your own.
Wordswag is an updated version of Over. With over, the user has to use the app’s own images and words to layer photos. Wordswag, on the other hand, lets you make up your own overlays and put them over an existing photo.
Upgrade your Instagram by using any of these seven apps today!
Article Source: latest tech gadgets news

Saturday, November 18, 2017

How to Safely Dispose of Your Old Phone

Phones are a big part of our everyday lives. As tech news sites put it, smartphones are in fact the most common gadgets in any home today. Are you tired of your phone, or maybe thinking of upgrading to a newer model and not sure how to dispose of your current one? If you are, here are a few ways you should think of dealing with it.

Get it ready for disposal

When you want to throw out an old phone, you need to remove your SIM card and SD from it. Additionally, take off any covers or add-ons you put on it. If you want to donate or give the phone to another person, formatting it is also a good idea. You can do this by going to your Settings, hitting the About Phone option and choosing to restore it to its factory settings.

Donate it

Numerous charity organizations have mobile phone company partners that can help when people donate their still-in-good-condition phones. After you donate the phone, the organizations will recycle and sell it for fundraising.

Pass it on

Whether you want a new phone because you’re heading to college or as a symbol, your loss can be another person’s gain. Pass your phone along to your younger siblings or the fourth grader next door.

Recycle it

Many collection companies such as Best Buy as well as phone manufacturers like Motorola and Nokia recycle old phones. You can have yours recycled if it’s too damaged to pass along or to donate to a charitable firm.

Sell it

If your phone is still in good condition before disposal, you could get a good price for it on eBay. Some models go for over $100, particularly if they’re recent models.
Closing tip: never try to destroy the battery before disposal. The tech experts are right when they stated that it’s bad for you and bad for the environment. You can read how to safety dispose of your old phone battery here.